Ventilation and AC in the Vanagon Explained
following write-up is an article Lucas Valdes (Prez &
Resident Mechanical Engineer of GoWesty) wrote in an attempt
to de-mystify the climate control (fresh ambient air & AC)
system on Vanagons. Hope it helps!
ventilation system in Vanagons has always been somewhat
confusing. Fresh, ambient air ventilation is controlled by the
four slide levers and rotary fan knob on the dashboard, right
next to the radio. These levers have nothing to do with air
conditioning if your Vanagon is so equipped. A/C is covered
later on.
Fresh ambient air enters the vehicle through the front
radiator grille between the headlights. Behind the radiator
grill is a smaller grill (about 2"x24") for fresh air intake,
attached to a duct welded to the body. Fresh air flows through
this duct to an air distribution box, which is about 1X1X2
feet in size, and is buried under in the dashboard, dead
center about a foot below the windshield. This air
distribution box has several cable controlled flaps on it, and
it houses an electric "squirrel cage fan" inside which is
controlled by the rotary fan knob to the right of the slide
levers. On all water cooled models it also houses a small
radiator called a "heater core". There are cables attached to
the four slide levers that control the amount, temperature,
and direction of fresh air that comes into the vehicle:
TOP LEVER: The "defrost" lever. This
lever operates a cable that moves flaps in the air
distribution box that increases or decreases fresh airflow to
the windshield and front door windows. The air flows via the
four air ducts on the top surface of the dashboard (numbered
"1" and "2" in your owner's manual, page 45). The air
controlled by this lever can be either cool or heated air
depending on where the second lever is positioned.
SECOND LEVER: The next lever down is
the "heater" lever. It operates a cable that controls the
heater valve(s). On air-cooled models, there are two cables
that are about a mile long and go all the way back to the
engine heater "flaps" on the heater boxes mounted to the
engine, one on each side. On water cooled models this lever
controls a single cable that is only about three feet long and
operates a water "heater valve", located right behind the
radiator cooling fan outside the vehicle (or right behind the
glove box inside the vehicle on 1982 water cooled diesel
models). In either case, this lever controls the TEMPERATURE
of the air entering the vehicle.
THIRD LEVER: This lever operates a
cable that moves flaps in the air distribution box that
increases or decreases air flow to your feet. This air flows
via an air duct assembly just in front of the gear shift
lever. On some diesel models there is a false floor down the
isle way which ducts air to the rear passenger area. (On 83-91
water cooled gasoline powered Vanagons there is an entirely
separate heater under the rear seat for the rear passenger
area, the operation of which is described in your owners
manual on page 46.) The air controlled by the third lever can
be either ambient or heated air depending on where the second
lever is positioned.
BOTTOM LEVER: This is the rear
passenger fresh air control lever. This lever operates a cable
that moves flaps in the air distribution box under the
dashboard that increases or decreases fresh airflow to the
rear passenger area. Fresh air that enters the air
distribution box is diverted to metal ducts under the
dashboard which conduct air to the right and left front door
jams. In the front left and right forward door jams there are
rectangular gaskets that connect the doors to these ducts.
There are still more ducts welded inside each front door
through which air flows and exits out of the rear door jam,
through a funny looking plastic oval grill thingy with a furry
seal around it. You can see this when you open the door and
look just under the door latch. Then the air flows up inside
the body section behind the front doors, and then rearward
into the fresh air ducts along roof in the rear passenger
area. On camper models, the left steel duct under the
dashboard is plugged so air can't flow through the left door.
This is because, on campers, there are no air vents in the
rear passenger area above the stove and frig galley. You will
find the oval grill thingy missing on the left door. (see pic
#1) I wish I had a dollar for every time a camper owner
insisted on buying an oval furry vent thingy for the left door
because it was "missing". IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MISSING!
So, what about the two vents on either end of the
dashboard facing rearward? You know, the ones with the little
adjustable diffusers and UP/DOWN levers on them. (see pic #2
above) Well, they are their own bosses. They have fresh air
coming into them all the time, regardless of lever position.
If you flip the little lever on them down it opens the vent
and you get air. If you put the little lever up, it closes the
vent and you get nothing. So you say, "duh, this is all
obvious stuff, tell me something I don't know!" Okay, here it
is: On 80-87 models, only fresh, ambient temperature air
flowed from these vents, regardless of what position air
temperature control lever #2 was in. That is, you could have
the heater blasting, but still have COOL air coming out of
these vents. However, starting in 1988 the temperature of the
air coming from these vents was controlled by temp lever #2.
So, on '88-91 models, if you had the heat on, ALL the air
coming into the vehicle was heated. This kinda sucks. There
have been many instances where I, as the driver, was the only
one awake, the kids and wife sawing logs. They wanted the
heater blasting so they could sleep, which is understandable.
But as the driver, it was sure nice at 2AM to have that nice
cool air blasting me in the face from the side vent to keep me
So far we have only discussed how air ENTERS the
vehicle. But of course, no air can come IN unless air goes
OUT. This is called “flow-through ventilation” which all
vehicles have to some degree. Prior to 1988, if all windows
were closed, the only way air could get out was through little
exit vents located on the rear lower corner of the front door
interior panels. These are the plastic vent assemblies with
the little blue slide lever.

These vents allowed air to exit the
interior. Sliding the lever toward the front of the vehicle
opens the vent, rearward closes it. On the leading edge of the
doors, in the door jam, there are three oval holes that open
into this hollow space of the door itself. As a Vanagon plows
through the air, air flows around the vehicle creating
low-pressure zones near the front door jam areas. VW engineers
realized this and used this low pressure to suck air out of
the interior of the vehicle. Air flows from the inside of the
vehicle through the little vent at the rear end of the front
doors, through the hollow door itself, into the door jam area,
and out of the body gap between the front door and front
quarter panel. Genius, you say. But what about the rear
passengers, you say? And why, in 1988, did VW put a rubber
seal at this body gap, thus blocking all airflow through
The flow through ventilation scheme
completely changed and improved in 1988. This change coincided
with the introduction of the switch from chrome (or black)
steel bumpers to the fiberglass "big bumpers" and the
accompanying front spoiler. In 1988 the rear-most side windows
have an added vent along the rear edge. It was necessary to
shorten the glass in order to make room for this vent as the
opening in the body stayed the same. These vents are air EXIT

Interestingly, the little grills on the
front door panels remained, but if you remove them you will
see the passageway behind them is sealed, and there is no blue
slide lever. The seal at the door gap area was put there
probably for reduced noise. I installed these seals on my 1987
Vanagon, and added the rear vents too. It actually lowered the
wind noise a little, and the rear vents improved air flow
inside the vehicle, especially for the rear passengers. And
now I have the best of both worlds: improved flow-through
ventilation and cool air from the dash vents! You can say you
knew me when I was nobody…
so what about AC. Factory installed air conditioning in
Vanagons is a completely separate system than the fresh air
system. All air-conditioned air is RECIRCULATED air. That is,
all the air that is cooled is air that is scooped up from
inside the vehicle, cooled, and re-circulated back inside the
vehicle. It does not work like most other vehicles where one
can choose OUTSIDE or INSIDE air to be cooled. There were two
different factory installed AC systems for non pop-top
Vanagons, and two for pop-tops.
Vanagon non pop-top factory
A/C 1980-1984: On
early non pop top Vanagons up to about 1984, the air
conditioning ducting was a plastic monstrosity that came up
the driver’s side of the vehicle just behind the driver’s
front door, and up over the across the ceiling to the
passenger side. The evaporator (the heat exchanger that
converts warm air to cold) was inside this section. Right
above the isle way there was a “T”, and ducting ran forward
between the driver and passenger to windshield to another “T”,
and then side to side. This system worked OK. 1985-1991:Starting in 1985, the evaporator was moved all the
way to the back, running side to side just in front of the
rear window. A duct similar to the early systems ran side to
side up front above the rear-view mirror where the A/C control
knobs were located. A long duct ran down the middle of the
ceiling back to the evaporator housing. This system was
awesome, and kept the interior of even dark colored Vanagons
cool, even in ambient temperatures of well over 100 degrees
Pop-top Vanagon factory
A/C 1984-1986: On
these year models, the air conditioning evaporator was located
inside what would normally be the rear cabinet above the rear
seat. Instead of the little cabinet door that flips down there
was a grill assembly installed. This system did not work very
well. See picture below.
1987-1991:Factory A/C was improved in 1987, which coincided
with the switch in the campers from a tan colored interior to
gray. On 87-91 pop-top Vanagons without A/C, the rear cabinet
was the same shape and size as the 80-86. With factory A/C,
the entire rear cabinet assembly changed. Whereas the pre-87
system was basically a converted cabinet, the new system had
an additional duct assembly that came right up to the edge of
the rear ceiling, thus getting much closer to the front
passengers. This system also used a larger evaporator and
evaporator fans, a larger condenser with a more powerful
radiator fan, and a larger A/C compressor (7-cylinder instead
of 5 cylinder). This system worked OK, but still was nothing
to write home about. The people in the back seat would be
deafened from the roar of the more powerful evaporator fans,
and frozen solid from the increased airflow. The folks in the
front seat by comparison would be barely comfortable. However,
this system when operating properly will keep the interior
cool, and is fine for two people traveling in the FRONT seats.
See picture below.

Vanagon aftermarket or “dealer installed”
A/C There was another A/C system available for the
Vanagon that was installed at the dealer. This was an in-dash
system. This system placed the evaporator in the dashboard
behind the glove box. The outer dashboard vents, instead of
being plumbed to the fresh air distribution box, were plumbed
to the A/C evaporator. In addition to these vents, two more
vents were added either where the radio usually goes, or right
next to the radio. If the radio hole was used, the radio was
relocated in a plastic enclosure down on the floor in front of
the gearshift lever face-up. This system had an overall lower
output, but the cold air it did produce was pumped straight at
you, so it actually cooled your hot body instantly, as opposed
to having to wait for the rear-only A/C to cool the ENTIRE
interior. These systems are very rare. We have seen maybe one
out of one hundred vehicles with this system.
new air conditioning systems in automobiles operate with the
new, non-ozone eating R134a instead of the old R12 “Freon”.
(Note: “Freon” is a Du-Pont trade name for R12 refrigerant,
just like “Band-Aid” is a trade name of the Band-Aid company
for a bandage). It is because it is more environmentally
friendly that R134a is used, and why everyone is pushing R134a
conversion “kits”. The problem is that R134a has about 80% the
cooling capability of R12. A/C systems designed to use R134a
have a different, much more efficient manifold type
“parallel-flow” condenser as opposed to R12 systems
“series-flow” condenser. These “conversion kits” are nothing
more than a set of fitting adapters, and R134a refrigerant and
oil. On the late model non-pop top Vanagons simply converting
to R134a works fine because these vehicles have more than
enough capacity. So giving up 20% efficiency is not big deal.
But on pop-top Vanagons were the A/C already sucks, it just is
not an option. Eventually when R12 is completely phased out it
will be necessary to properly convert these vehicles, which
would include replacing the condenser with the more efficient
The other problem is that the lubricity of R134a and
the oil that is compatible with R134a (ester mineral oil) is
not as good as the R12 and petroleum based oil with which it
is compatible. The result is that the moving parts of the
compressor, which rely on these lubricating qualities,
suffers. And the result of that is a shorter life for the
compressor. Whereas one could expect 10 to 15 years of service
from a compressor running on R12, it is not uncommon to have
to replace a compressor running on R134a in 5 to 8 years. You
just can’t win!